Credit Repair for Small Business Owners
REI OKC Conference Center
318 NW 13th
Oklahoma City, OK
Map and Directions
December 19th, 2023Start Time: 1:00 pm
End Time: 2:00 pm
Many hardships can send a normal financial situation into a tailspin. Learn how to get finances back on track through repaying debt and setting intention behind how you use credit. This session focuses on tactics for repairing credit and creating a wise financial path once you’ve repaired your credit.
Items that will be discussed:
- Reviewing your credit report & what you can learn from it.
- Options for getting out of debt and reconstructing existing credit to its greatest advantage.
- Negotiating with creditors.
- Learn how credit is scored, why your credit score matters and what steps to take for obtaining credit, using it wisely and the impact money management has on your future credit standing.
We will see you at this in-person workshop!
We are sorry, but registration for this event is now closed.
Please contact us if you would like to know if spaces are still available or to be added to a waiting list.